Counseling for People Going through Different Phases of Life

*I have a limited number of in-person or telehealth appointments for new clients.

Hi, I’m Rachel. I understand what it’s like to go through various life transitions, navigating different cultures and identities, losses and new beginnings. Sometimes I regard these changes as an opportunity for adventure, and I crave and seek them. Other times, they’re unexpected and challenging, but I try to face them just the same. 

College, new careers, and relationships

I see college, new careers, and relationships to be unique times for growth and exploration. There are so many new discoveries and stresses with self-identity, changing relationships, and moving out of state or out of country. If you’re a college student or a young professional struggling to traverse change, we can identify the obstacles getting in the way of your thriving – be it comfortability, familiarity, fear of the unknown, or larger systemic pressures. I also help people going through other developmental milestones such as breakups, parenthood, and launching of children.

Whatever you phase of life, together, we can help you feel seen and heard through these difficulties and give you tools and perspectives to help you feel more settled and more “yourself.”

How to know when treatment is over 

Life will still have its ups and downs, but you’ll know when treatment is over when you feel better equipped to navigate the changing times. You’ll also have the flexibility and confidence to know that you can face challenges ahead.  

Flexible school, work, and afternoon hours available for in-person or telehealth appointments

To accommodate college classes, work meetings and after school, I have the following times available:

Mondays - 9:45am to 5:15pm
Tuesdays - 11:00am to 6:30pm (virtual appointments only)
Wednesdays - 9:45am to 5:15pm (virtual appointments only)
Thursdays - 9:45am to 5:15pm (virtual appointments only)

Ready to grow and be more sure of yourself? 

Counseling for People going through Life Transitions or Identity Crisis

*I’m accepting new clients for telehealth appointments.

Are you living below your potential?

Hi, I’m Sunny. As we go through life, we sometimes realize we are having a crisis of identity: as we grow and change, we may discover that our values conflict with the way we were raised. We may be living according to the way we ought to be based on society’s standards, but we know deep down this has never worked for us. The coping skills that used to work are no longer adaptive.

How we view ourselves and our roles in life matter. I’m all about helping you overcome emotional and mental roadblocks that are keeping you from living the life you want.

Telling your story 

A bit about me: I’m a big fan of comics and superhero fiction. Maybe it’s because the hero’s journey is relatable to so many people. The hero struggles with losses, grief, and setbacks, but goes on to develop character, strength and ultimately triumphs as a result of the pain. While real life is not as dramatic and change often less abrupt and permanent (and with fewer capes), therapy can help you re-define how life has been and how you’d like to move forward. When the narrative you’ve been telling yourself has limited you in how you think, feel and respond to situations, then together, we can rewrite your story to better fit the life you want to live.

People I work with

I have a particular interest in working with people going through life transitions or an identity crisis. That’s because change has a way of disrupting the status quo of who we are, who we have been and who we want to become. In other words, it creates an opportunity for something new. 

I have also enjoyed working with people with military experience and men who feel pressured to conform to society’s definition of what it means to be a man. Notions such as “don’t show weakness” or “depend on no one” can stifle emotional intelligence and cause rifts in relationships.

It’s about damn time we step out of the mold.

Early birds and early afternoon appointments

I do my best work in the early part of the day and offer appointments before you head in to work or in between meetings and classes. 

Here are my hours:

Mondays - 7:30am to 2pm
Tuesdays - 7:30am to 2pm
Wednesdays - 7:30am to 2pm
Thursdays - 7:30am to 2pm

Stories have power. Don’t be defined by the narratives that no longer serve you.