Why we blog

We write because we believe change can happen through reading and learning. Healthful and helpful information and practice can nourish the mind, body and soul. We also write because clients who come into our office often think they're the only one struggling with this or that problem. They feel so alone. We write to dispute the myth that we have it all together. In fact, we're just struggling silently, side-by-side. When we address "you" as our audience, we mean "you as a collective whole". We're ALL in this together. Don't go about life alone. 

We may have an opportunity to work together, we may not. Regardless, we want your life to be better than what it is right now; we truly want you to flourish and live a life that counts! If our writing can help in the smallest of ways, we’re glad. And, for clients we do get to work with, we love pointing them to a post here and there to help jumpstart our work together!

A catalog of our popular counseling blogs

Other musings and therapy topics we care about

If you have any questions or comments about our blog content, we'd love to hear from you! The best way to get a hold of us is via email: hello@peoplebloomcounseling.com

Ada Pang is the proud owner of People Bloom Counseling, a Redmond psychotherapy practice in WA. She mostly helps distressed couples and breast cancer patients. And since she does write about trauma, depression and anxiety, she sees clients with those struggles as well. When she's not working or thinking about work, she's eating or thinking about food.